Viskoop tips and tricks
Health, sports and coaching have always been an important part of my life, both professionally and privately.
For the majority of my career I worked in the Commando Corps with the extraordinary specialization in operating and surviving in the mountains and extreme climates. As a commando it was essential to be fit and stable and to keep developing myself. I was responsible for education and training, which matched my interest in methodology, didactics and coaching. In my own time I completed a training as a sports instructor at the CIOS. After my military career, I worked for a number of years as a bodyguard for Dutch diplomats in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. There, too, it was essential to deal with stress well.
Over the years, it became increasingly clear to me how inextricably linked exercise, nutrition and relaxation are. And that so many people find it a challenge to live a healthy life despite all the knowledge we have – while everyone wants to feel fit and want to wake up rested.
That is why I have specialized professionally as a health coach. I completed training as a personal trainer, nutrition consultant and vitality coach, but also on back complaints, dealing with stress, the effect of hormones and the prevention of injuries. I thus developed my own 3D method for an integrated approach to the 3 dimensions of health (nutrition, exercise, relaxation). In my experience, this is the most effective way for everyone to truly and sustainably become healthier. In addition to the fun and rewarding work as a coach, I regularly exercise – currently mainly running, strength training and playing football on the beach. I like to cook and read a lot, about nutrition and exercise, but also ordinary literature such as the books by my favorite author Murakami. I follow seminars and courses to keep broadening and deepening myself.
Health, sports and coaching have always been an important part of my life, both professionally and privately.
For the majority of my career I worked in the Commando Corps with the extraordinary specialization in operating and surviving in the mountains and extreme climates. As a commando it was essential to be fit and stable and to keep developing myself. I was responsible for education and training, which matched my interest in methodology, didactics and coaching. In my own time I completed a training as a sports instructor at the CIOS. After my military career, I worked for a number of years as a bodyguard for Dutch diplomats in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. There, too, it was essential to deal with stress well.
Over the years, it became increasingly clear to me how inextricably linked exercise, nutrition and relaxation are. And that so many people find it a challenge to live a healthy life despite all the knowledge we have – while everyone wants to feel fit and want to wake up rested.
That is why I have specialized professionally as a health coach. I completed training as a personal trainer, nutrition consultant and vitality coach, but also on back complaints, dealing with stress, the effect of hormones and the prevention of injuries. I thus developed my own 3D method for an integrated approach to the 3 dimensions of health (nutrition, exercise, relaxation). In my experience, this is the most effective way for everyone to truly and sustainably become healthier. In addition to the fun and rewarding work as a coach, I regularly exercise – currently mainly running, strength training and playing football on the beach. I like to cook and read a lot, about nutrition and exercise, but also ordinary literature such as the books by my favorite author Murakami. I follow seminars and courses to keep broadening and deepening myself.
For the majority of my career I worked in the Commando Corps with the extraordinary specialization in operating and surviving in the mountains and extreme climates. As a commando it was essential to be fit and stable and to keep developing myself. I was responsible for education and training, which matched my interest in methodology, didactics and coaching. In my own time I completed a training as a sports instructor at the CIOS. After my military career, I worked for a number of years as a bodyguard for Dutch diplomats in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. There, too, it was essential to deal with stress well.
Over the years, it became increasingly clear to me how inextricably linked exercise, nutrition and relaxation are. And that so many people find it a challenge to live a healthy life despite all the knowledge we have – while everyone wants to feel fit and want to wake up rested.
That is why I have specialized professionally as a health coach. I completed training as a personal trainer, nutrition consultant and vitality coach, but also on back complaints, dealing with stress, the effect of hormones and the prevention of injuries. I thus developed my own 3D method for an integrated approach to the 3 dimensions of health (nutrition, exercise, relaxation). In my experience, this is the most effective way for everyone to truly and sustainably become healthier. In addition to the fun and rewarding work as a coach, I regularly exercise – currently mainly running, strength training and playing football on the beach. I like to cook and read a lot, about nutrition and exercise, but also ordinary literature such as the books by my favorite author Murakami. I follow seminars and courses to keep broadening and deepening myself.
Vis bewaren in de vriezer
Gebruik uitsluitend heel verse vis.
Spoel de vis af en dep droog.
Verpak strak in vershoudfolie, zo blijft de vis mooi sappig.
Stapel de stukken niet, zo dringt de kou sneller tot de kern.
Bewaar op min -18°C en niet langer dan 3 maanden.
Hoe lang mag je vis eigenlijk bewaren?
Verse vis, schaal- en schelpdieren kun je in beginsel maximum drie dagen in de koelkast bewaren. Koop je voorverpakte vis, let dan op de houdbaarheidsdatum op de verpakking. Gerookte en gebakken vis zijn vaak langer houdbaar.
Kun je vis invriezen na bereiding?
Je hebt een visgerecht gemaakt en je hebt nog een restje over dat je wilt invriezen? Dat kan prima, zolang de vis die je verwerkte in je gerecht, vers was. Ook voor vis geldt de belangrijke regel dat ontdooide producten niet opnieuw ingevroren mogen worden. Koel de restjes zo snel mogelijk af en zet ze binnen een uur in de koelkast. Vries restjes na het afkoelen onmiddellijk in. Het is mogelijk dat bereide vis, die wordt ingevroren, leidt tot enig smaak- en kwaliteitsverlies.
Hoe zit het met vis uit blik?
Vis uit blik heeft als groot voordeel dat het erg lang houdbaar is. Erg handig dus om bijvoorbeeld altijd een blikje zalm of tonijn in huis te hebben voor een lekkere salade of boterham. Door het snelle productieproces blijven alle goede eigenschappen van vis bewaard, te vergelijken met groenten in pot. Visconserven zijn dus niet alleen lekker maar ook nog eens supergezond. Vis uit blik is in alle soorten en maten verkrijgbaar in de winkel: gekruid, ongekruid, op basis van olie of water. Vis in olie is het meest geschikt voor warme gerechten. Ben je bewust met je gezondheid bezig, dan kun je het beste kiezen voor vis op waterbasis. Deze variant is namelijk calorie-armer.
Vis uit de diepvries
Voor veel drukke gezinnen en mensen die fulltime werken is vis uit de diepvries een uitkomst. Het is niet alleen lang houdbaar, namelijk wel 3-6 maanden, maar ook nog eens breed verkrijgbaar. Supermarkten zijn op veel plaatsen tot laat in de avond en in het weekend geopend en hebben een breed assortiment aan gepaneerde en naturel vis uit de diepvries. Zo is een lekker visje altijd binnen handbereik. Ondanks wat veel mensen denken van niet, is diepvriesvis net zo gezond als verse vis. Net als diepvriesgroenten worden alle vitamines en mineralen behouden bij het vriesproces.
Het ontdooien van verse vis
Bewaar diepgevroren vis tot gebruik in de vriezer. Wanneer de vis in de oven of magnetron wordt bereid, hoeft de vis niet te worden ontdooid. De bereidingstijd is echter wel iets langer dan bij de verse vis. Als de vis wordt gebakken, dan moet het vooraf worden ontdooid. Leg de bevroren vis in de koelkast of houd de vis onder koud stromend water.